

Training camps for Special Needs Young adults


A new initiative by the RNCT was to organise two day orientation and training camps for Special Needs Young Adults who do not attend any formal training in any institute.  In keeping with the purposes of the RNCT, the aim of the SNs camp Project is to: 1. Assist young SNs adults to take care of themselves and to make their lives more fruitful and meaningful. 2. Provide some respite to the immediate care taker of the SNs person, provide hands on training to take care of the SNs adult, provide necessary occupational skills like dancing, sports and handcraft to enhance the daily life of the SNs person 3. Initiate a conversation, first at the SN caretaker, parent and family and also at institutional level about improving the quality of life for SNs and move beyond meeting the bare minimums. “ Professionals from various organisations that care for SNs persons are resourced at the camp.’ The RNCT also harnesses services of young volunteers during the camp. 

The first camp was held in Galle on 12th and 13th November 2016.   Twenty Special Needs Young adults and 25 of their care takers took part in the camp. 
This nascent project provides :

  • knowledge and insight into the resources available for basic personal health care and common medical needs of such individuals.
  • Initial basic knowledge and practice for aesthetic skills, art, dancing and drama. 
  • Greater involvement in physical activities at home and joining other young adults in physical activities such as sports and games.
  • Support and confidence to integrate into mainstream social life

RNCT sponsorship of siblings of SNs persons


In continuing their service of love to the Special Needs mentally challenged young adult the RNCT started sponsoring siblings of identified SNs persons.  To initiate the project siblings of SNs young adults who attended the 2016 camp in Galle were selected.  The sibling would be sponsored with a bursary on a monthly basis till s/he completes their education. 

class="style21">During the camp the young unmarried siblings of the SNs young adults are invited to:

  • join in the activities of their SNs brother or sister
  • express their own feelings, joys, pride, fearsand concerns
  • volunteer to assist and join in the professional activities like dance and art workshops,spiritual sessions like yoga and meditation and social activities like an outing and tea party.





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